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SCCi Alphatrack

Endsleigh Court

SCCI Alphatrack collaborate with the arcpartnership, to deliver 4Fibre technology at central London's Endsleigh Court.

The Development

Dating back to 1934, Endsleigh Court's mansion sits in a prime location, a stone's throw from London's UCL, and near to Kings Cross, St.Pancras and Euston stations.

Built to fulfil demand for an early concept of the serviced apartment, Endsleigh Court opened its doors, boasting a number of 'modern conveniences,' including a staff of cleaners.

Fast forward 90-odd years, and this concept is retained in the form a 24-hour concierge service.

The Proposal

SCCI Alphatrack's 4Fibre team collaborated with property management experts, Arc Partners, to provide access to (up to)  four full fibre internet service providers, over a single fibre infrastructure - meaning the block only needs to be wired once.

The complicated deployment was completed in February 2023, future proofing the building for full fibre, and offering residents improved access to full fibre broadband services.

4Fibre's revolutionary technology better protects the aesthetics, safety, space and integrity of the building, reducing disruption due to the need for only one installation (rather than have multiple operators wiring the building one after the other, as per the traditional alternative).

The Delivery

4Fibre deployed fibre service via 2 DPs in the building (located in the basement care park); all core drilling, containment and fire stopping was managed and completed by the team, and on completion, the network was fully spliced and tested.

The Conclusion

The project was successfully deployed over an eight week period, and due to the partnership with ARC, incurred no cost implication for the residents, managing agent or freeholder. Endsleigh Court residents can now enjoy lightning fast, full fibre connectivity and a choice of internet service providers.

4Fibre's solution was a game changer for Arc and Freshwater - a single solution, future readying the building for full fibre and up to 4 ISPs. It has saved us many hours of duplicated work and critically, the clients' buildings are protected by only having a single deployment. Tom Parrish, Arc Partners on behalf of Freshwater

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